the inter-penetration
of the personal history,
the secular history,
and the sacred history
and consider that all
history is ultimately sacred.
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When you feel that you are not on the right path,
the falsity in you,you crave for meaning.You search for purpose.Your feet will lead youto places that are lonelyseeking the blessed solitude.In this solitudeyou will discoveryour own illusionsafter which you were running.The moment you seeyour own falsity,you feel unworthy.Your unworthinesscan lead you to the presenceof the ever loving,ever forgivingGod.
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our cultures andanchored in ourpast experiences.So, what we seeas positive emotionscan vary within cultures.And, just to addto the complexities,emotional expressionis mostly basedon brain mapping,with juncturesand signs thatlink to experiencesor feelings, memories,other people’sreactions to us.(Ref. to Immordino-Yang, Yang &Damasio,2016)
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of the feelingthat we are all One.Detach yourselffrom everythingand renounceyour Ego.If you renounceyour ego,you can bereally Free.
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David of the Old Testamentsummarizes himself this way:‘As for me, I am poor and needy,but the Lord takes thought for me.’This resonates deep within me.David’s strength grew outof his comprehensive sense of weakness,and his confidence in God’s strength.Ref.The end of Psalm 40
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I am a bird.
I attract many.I am beautiful.There are manywho come after meto hunt me down.God, my Lordwill save me fromthe hunter’s sling.I will not be ruinedwhile God protects me.His wings are my shield.I shall ever be faithfulobserving the law of God.I please my God always.This is my life and I am happy.