Girls take their places
as though around an altar
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which I commandare immortal
That man, whoever he may be,
Hearing thy lovely laugh, thy speech,Throned with the gods he seems to me;For when a moment to mine eyesThy form discloses, silentlyI stand consumed with fires that riseLike flames around a sacrifice.Sight have I none, bells out of tuneRing in mine ears, my tongue lies dumb;Paler than grass in later June,Yet daring all(To thee I…
Before they were mothers
had been the mostdevoted of friendsSapphotr. Barnard
Bride, around whom the rosy leaves are flying,
The bed awaits thee; go, and with him lying,Give to the groom thy sweetness, softly sighing.May Hesperus in gladness pass before thee,And Hera of the silver throne bend o’er thee.
Before they were mothers
had been the mostdevoted of friends
Awed by her splendor
moon cover their ownbright faceswhen sheis roundest and lightsearth with her silver