Yet I did not get any idea to write my own poems
Nor did I inspire a bit to write anything
All the ideas came into mind
On many accounts seemed to me worthless
Either these ideas are over told again and again
Or the meaning of these ideas have been lost
Why not then, honesty is picking up
Or humanity is growing fast?
The choice of men has been deteriorated so low
Otherwise, how can a man voted to power
Whose track record says he is a murderer
In another world in another country
People are gearing up to vote the jokers and buffoons
What they publicly say
It shows that they are racists, hate mongers
It seems in their hearts only are slurs and wars
Whatever is going all over the world is not going for good
But what can I do? I cannot leave this world
In great sorrow I write this useless poem.

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Yet I did not get any idea to write my own poems
Nor did I inspire a bit to write anything
All the ideas came into mind
On many accounts seemed to me worthless
Either these ideas are over told again and again
Or the meaning of these ideas have been lost
Why not then, honesty is picking up
Or humanity is growing fast?
The choice of men has been deteriorated so low
Otherwise, how can a man voted to power
Whose track record says he is a murderer
In another world in another country
People are gearing up
To vote the jokers and buffoons
What they publicly say
It shows that they are racists, hate mongers
It seems in their hearts only are slurs and wars
Whatever is going all over the world
Is not going for good
But what can I do? I cannot leave this world
In great sorrow I write this useless poem.

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