Sans money?
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Immortal epic great poet puts down on paper…..
Rama, Krishna, Ulysses, Achilles, Buddha, Sankara,Christ, Arthur, Robin hood, Alexander and GandhiHow can mankind forget as long as Earth is there?Moses, Solomon, Vikramaditya, Sanakya, HermesAnd many more immortal characters poets depictIn world Classical writings mankind remember ever!Inspiration got out of them makes good hearts liveTo do miracles by achieving impossible missions too!Hard times, unfortunate situations…
Winter snow
Spring waits to spring!
Inhuman animals in the form of humans live the terrorists
There are nations that feed them to create troubles and havocObeying to army’s command sans any sense of shame in the world!World is turned into jungle arena, where as was in Rome, gladiatorsWere forced to participate in fighting competition to win or die;Such kind of life terrorists are made to live fighting foreverOnly to die…
What is good for health –
Junk food is good forOne travelling long…;But fresh food is goodEver for health in life!Technology and greedconfine one in insideAnd never allows oneTo see ouside world!Material world hasMade all live notReal life or natural oneBut only artificial orJust a mechanical life!The more we go forComforts and luxury,The more lose we goodHealth and life ever!
Dollar, Euro, Pound, Yen, Dinar or Rupee currencies,
Money passion never stops even the sea shrinks to nilAnd ends not even camel goes through the eye of needle!No one can fight in the court to win justice without money;No one can run politics and win in election without money;No one can get educated to live quality life without money;No one can live life…
Restlessness comes, when one doesn’t know what to do next ever;
That only can help one to have an ambition to achieve in lifeAnd will kindle many ideas to implement to achieve one’s dream!Dreams, ideas and realities are the sequence of life one hasto achieve one after the other and for which sincere effortsWith the intention of achieving something great will make lifeGo on in an…
Reaching for the Sky,
For the Ultimate Truth,
Saying All,
About Creation,
In one Sigh.
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To whom, you just can’t sayGo away, get lostCome back another day,It just doesn’t work that way,Imperatively, they must be writtenFor the poet’s survivalAnd the poem’s, birth day
Who knows, what nobody knows,
Who perfumes the rose?A great Spanish poet wrote:‘Only Mystery makes us live,Only Mystery’,But we still are,Lovers of History,And want to know,What nobody knows,Why are we here,And what makes us go?In search of the TruthsThat we’ll never know…….
A Poem sweet and sound,
When by yourself,It calms your nerves,Truly a new friend found.
Certain Poetry
Make me forgetThatRegardless of timeAnd now being,21st Century, setMan is notCivilizedYet!
A poem Is,
Translated into words,That tell it All.
How do you become
Asked the childTo the All Know ItWho answered,You just sit quietlyAnd prayIn doesn’t ever happen,Tomorrow or Today,Or any living day.
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So sharp, so sore, and of such rate,
Should end so soon and was begun so late?
Is it possible?
Is it possible
So cruel intent,
So hasty heat and so soon spent,
From love to hate, and thence for to relent?
Is it possible?
Is it possible
That any may find
Within one heart so diverse mind,
To change or turn as weather and wind?
Is it possible?
Is it possible
To spy it in an eye
That turns as oft as chance on die,
The truth whereof can any try?
Is it possible?
It is possible
For to turn so oft,
To bring that lowest which was most aloft,
And to fall highest yet to light soft:
It is possible.
All is possible
Whoso list believe.
Trust therefore first, and after preve,
As men wed ladies by licence and leave.
All is possible.
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