Thought about her plight
And cursed whole day for not being right
What did I do to her?
Except pushing to corner
Causing mental agony
And making her full lifetime sorry
I thought of being undeserving person to live
As I had some consideration to believe
: Life is not meant to cheat our own people
And cause them to feel hurt and land in trouble
She gave me complete life and soul
Responded to each and every call
Fallen for easy love and surrendered
I did enough of mischief and ordered
She never questioned about my intention
As she had enough of trust in relation
It was never a doubt in her mind
Very thoroughly considerate and girl so kind
She was begging for simple corner
In my heart and live for new comer
I was blind with rage and pushed her
Left her to fate and compelled to bother
She might be living on some other world
I do not know about her more or being told
She may be cursing me with full breath
I shall repent it till my death
We get excuses on being simple ground
That does not provide any solace to be found
It is grave concern that enters at later stage
When you are drowned in depression with old age
I had not provoked her but felt it as natural
She was kind, beautiful and promised oral
She kept promises but I failed in its upkeep
Now I weep in cot and can get no sound sleep