Come over to my house for ‘nibbles and tea’
A posh sort of saying as posh as can be.
The social scene has changed and gone is the day
When middle class woman to her friend did say
Call in anytime do not pass by my gate
And I’ll boil the kettle be it early or late.
To set date and time seems the in thing to do
Come over for nibbles on tuesday at two
At four there’s a meeting that I must attend
And later I’ll be out for tea with a friend.
When invited to a party it is seen as the in thing
That your own food and drink you’re expected to bring
There was a time when the host and the hostess supplied drink and food
And now to arrive empty handed would be seen as rude.
At two come on tuesday for nibbles and tea
A posh sort of saying as posh as can be
But nowadays so few of your friends to you say
Call in anytime you are passing my way.

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