How did it beat for,
Someone who turns dearer and dearer
As for time, circumstance and situation
On whose threshold
This life is placed on,
The corner-stone of time,
The passage through which one comes and passes out,
Enters and exits
That want I to discuss it here.
Kadambari Devi, it had not been the fault of yours that you loved,
Loved someone,
Gave your heart to,
Found friends with,
Talked and shared with,
But it was your void which felt you,
As the void
Which you felt,
You could not compromise with,
The pains fraught with
You could never, never.
A little girl, when you entered the household,
You too had been of the same age,
Tagore was of,
The elder and fifth brother too had been thirteen years older
And the other aspect was this that he used to be away
As for business activities
And the other you too had not a son
And then came the marriage news,
Resulting in your death
Under mysterious circumstances.
Kadambari Devi, yours pains the world could not,
The pains
With which lived you, passed the days,
Whether simple or serious,
We know it not,
But the heart beat it
In sympathy and affection,
Whatever be it the fact and fiction of this coquettish life.

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