for a good purpose,
for the human project.
Use all opportunities
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How sweet are Your words
honey in my mouth.I gain understandingfrom Your precepts;therefore I hate every false way.-Psalm 119, verses 103 and 104of the Holy Bible.
The weeping prophet of Israel,
demise of Jerusalemand lamented over theruins of David’s golden citywrote in deep faith and hope:‘You drew near whenI called on You, ‘Jeremiah declared.‘You said, ‘Do not fear –Do not be afraid! ‘Lamentations 3: 57 of the Holy Bible (NASB)
It was John,
of Christ, who heardthe voice of manyangels and witnessedthis astonishingchorus of praise.
We often pose
on how we thinkthe world shouldbe like, rather thanthe way that it is.‘Why can’t I see God? ‘The answer isdeceptively simple:we can’t seeGod because ourpower of sight isfar too weak.We can see effectsof God and knowthem as such,but we are blindedin the presence ofGod’s infinite radiance.
„When man strays
of unreality,the Sages declarethat he destroyshimself; becausehe who clings tothe perishablebody and regardsit as his true Selfmust experiencedeath many times.’(Paramananda, The Upanishads)
One should be sure
is poor or erratic.The desire to havea new selfimageshould be based on truth.Only when it is basedon real truthhe will develop a feelingthat he sees, and feelshimselfanewand realizes thetruth about himself.This is a psychologicalprocess to becomea new person.