Big and small, small and big
Sitting on the roads,
Crossing by
In groups,
Hanging onto rooftops,
The branches of trees,
Plucking fruits,
Asking for food
Or snatching from the hands
If seen with,
Looking with awe, suspense,
Gnashing the teeth.

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Monks without keys
In those early days
Of the civilization.
While trees were homes
And homes were Caves…
Trees provided everything
Food, shelter, clothing,
Branches- some were the kitchen,
Some were the beds and leaves
became the curtains
Over the naked skin.
Long before Jainism
They learnt to hide
What was real and natural and true.
And they learnt to reveal
What was termed art, culture,
And civilization afterwards
Although they were but artificial.
They learned…
They earned…
They possessed….
They assessed….
Then there was a need
For walls and doors,
For roofs and floors,
For boxes and locks
To protect and store.
The age and days of Monkeys were
About to close.

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