and inscrutable affliction,
but as a source of joy, growth, life.
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The mystical sense
intellectual and volitional lifeof ordinary men.God leads the mysticto enter into the inmost being.It is a returning into one’s own self.
God says:
mind turns toward Me.Guard your thoughtsdiligently; goodthought-choiceswill keep youclose to Me.He will have nofear of bad news.His heart issteadfast, alwaystrusting in the Lord.(Ref. Psalm 112: 7in The Holy Bible) .
Be silent my soul
that i may hear his call.Let me listen toand trust God’s voice.I like to fall in prostration.I want to abandon myselfas a pleasing sacrificeto my God,The Almighty One.
Losing oneself in
syncretism which,on the basis of purelysuperficial resemblancesand without serious studyof qualitative differences,proceeds to identifyall religions and all religiousexperiences with one another,asserting that they are allequally true and supernaturaland differ onlyin the accidents ofcultural expressionis an irresponsibleway of thinkingand not acceptable.
God is sovereign
and His supremeplans and purposeswill prevail.However fromthe beginningof creation,man was givena free-will,and we readin this verse that,‘the plans ofthe heartbelong to man’(Refer to Proverbs 16: 1)
Let not your failures
Let not the darknessof the by gone daysblock the light ofthis present moment.Tear away the pagesof yesterdays.The new page of lifeis full of promises.