And I felt wobbly, wobbly at the knees
The drink had won the booze had got to me.
Then some one yelled F. Duggan sing a song
And I tried to sing but the words just came out wrong
Then laughter rang I heard the loud haw haw
At drunk man’s silliness the fools guffaw.
I left the bar room staggered out the door
I’d drunk my fill I could not take anymore
Next morning woke with a terrible headache
And I vowed I’d quit the booze just for health sake.
A week went by and I drank another beer
And methought I’ll wait now until the new year
And I’ll give abstention another try
And next time maybe I’ll stay on the dry.
Man to himself can be so very cruel
He drink until he seem a silly fool
And man can be his own worst enemy
And I should know as it’s happened to me.

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