have I ever
dreamed of
bicycling through that
wearing a
pisse d

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There in the hands
Of the enemy
At any time.
Poetry is the path-finder
Of all here dear friends.
Worry not,
If poetry is there
Be sure
You reach your
With no trouble.
Poetry is there
With me as always.
And I take are all.

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While facing route
And feeling roughness
How do I come to you and express?
If I say I am poor!
That shall be unfair
Did life did not offer?
Certainly it did but I did not run after
I have no regret
And may not even attempt
To curse the events
As shown or sent
Life has all steep heights
Some scale and some get
With all that they had dreamed
It is all success as assumed
So I sit in corner
And presume later
Think about shining feature
And curse or praise never

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While facing route
And feeling roughness
How do I come to you and express?
If I say I am poor!
That shall be unfair
Did life did not offer?
Certainly it did but I did not run after
I have no regret
And may not even attempt
To curse the events
As shown or sent
Life has all steep heights
Some scale and some get
With all that they had dreamed
It is all success as assumed
So I sit in corner
And presume later
Think about shining feature
And curse or praise never

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