Can certainly state
The human values and its dues
In widespread fragrance
We know nobody
Still care for somebody
She may be poetess
Or shine of anybody’s face
What brings smile?
Is it style?
Or an attachment
From journey’s movement
This all we know
As proceed or go further
With calibrated move
And silently prove
We are somebody
That we were nobody previously
Now ready to help and breath with peace
Such are efforts to leave behind at once

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Can certainly state
The human values and its dues
In widespread fragrance
We know nobody
Still care for somebody
She may be poetess
Or shine of anybody’s face
What brings smile?
Is it style?
Or an attachment
From journey’s movement
This all we know
As proceed or go further
With calibrated move
And silently prove
We are somebody
That we were nobody previously
Now ready to help and breath with peace
Such are efforts to leave behind at once

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