For the god that you believe in won’t forgive you
If to come by money you can stoop so low.
No point in trying to give this false impression
That all is well with you and with your life
If you come from the pub and before your children
In a fit of drunken cowardice punch your wife.
No point in telling others that you’re a good man
If you are not a good man in your heart
It’s like somebody saying that he’s an artist
And he not knowing the first thing about art.
No point in telling others of your greatness
If they don’t wish to know how great you are
Remember you don’t impress everybody
When you drive around in an expensive car.
As it has been proved many of the wealthiest people
Are not the most compassionate and kind
They do not seem to worry about others
And to the plight of the less fortunate seem blind.
No point in boasting to me of your greatness
Of how you are the newest millionaire
Tell that to someone who is more impressionable
For I am one of those who do not care.

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