Nobody can escape from unless ear plugged!
Noise pollution coupled with other pollutions
Environmentally disheartens everyone everyday!
Grinding, drilling and sandering activities often
Everyone seems to have used to with in towns
Unmindful of its noise of irritability beyond words;
To overcome that many have ear phones attached
To enjoy music of their choice in work or in ride outs!
Music is also a kind of noise but in beautiful order
And the harmonious melody makes forget oneself!
But the factory or bike noise is so alarmingly irritating
That everybody wants to get rid of them sooner
By going out to farm resorts every week end or so!
Noise menace is so high that some silencer generators
Have also come into use seen here and there nowadays!
Yet the noise pollution due to mechanisation for progress
In the name of civilisation is making world a great hell
Giving the feeling that the world is not enough to live!
So, millions of communication satellites are launched everyday
Creating the doubts to many that if they are satellite missiles!
Rivalry of nations over conquering the Space by technology
Has increased the danger of another war of the world soon
And by suspicion and heaving sigh of relief days go on for all!

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