Owing to a long journey I did get asleep,
Obnoxiously I got a nightmare in mind deep.
Obscurantism was going on among the people,
Obsequiously some were remaining in simple.
Obscure was their argument I did feel bitter,
Obstructive mind wasn’t good I thought better.
Outbreak and outburst came out soon,
Outcry ran speedily it was then noon.
Out and way commotion was critical,
Overawing mind showed as it was practical.
‘Oh’ I said and I did get up from sleep,
Overturn I felt ‘earthquake’ heard from lip.
Oppressive flood, I saw, took many lives,
Opposition among people had sword and knives.
Owl hooted, dog barked, and cat did mew,
Ominous omens are these I thought Age is due.
Oh! My nightmare broke down and I came to know,
Overthrow of Confluence Age is coming let’s owe.