of human tasks.
According to its Greek
etymology, the term
philosophy means
‘love of wisdom’.
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As human beings
through faith, and havebeen made ministersof reconciliation,so that fallen sinnersmay be reconciledback to God andgain true peacein their heart.
Many great thinkers
believed that man’sstoredinformationis not limited to hisown memories,of past experiences,and learned facts.There is one mindcommon to allindividual men.We can compareour idividual mindsto the inlets in anocean of universal mind.
Myriads of angelic
with the four livingcreatures and theelders united theirvoices to sing ‘worthyis the Lamb that wasslain to receive powerand riches and wisdomand might and honour,and glory and blessing.’(Ref: Revelation 5: 12 of the Holy Bible)
The apostles brought
and they received theirteaching with the joyof the Holy Spiritdespite the difficultiesthey faced, and in sodoing became followersofthewill ofGod.
The wages of sin is death.
and disguises must be judged,for a holy God cannot look on sin.The ultimate consequenceof a life in sin is eternalseparation from God.Only when wecome backto God with a repented heartwe shall be reunited with Him.Sin inflicts a never-endingdivorce from all thatis good and clean and lovely.
Have you ever experienced
in which you were then ableto start making decisionswithin the dream world?