Image of holiness in her
Youth of my longing heart,
Achievements of my soul
Nozzle of my flawless emotions,
Kite of my passionate being
Are all embedded into one, that is you.
You came into my book-
On my timeline,
Unprecedented, as a chapter,
However length you’d assume
And Whatever theme you’d portray
Vampires tales or of Divine thoughts,
Every Character has to add glory.
My petals of enlightenment have
Your colourful rays of pious love,
Shattered hopes have begun to thrive-
On your touch less knocking at the door,
Ultimate faith and unpredictable will –
Lies within you, That caters my need to live.
Till the remaining days end up
Would never forget to love and live
On and on, for you, although not with….! !

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