Young, old and age of middle
Why do they demonstrate such cruel tendency?
Why small girl child of 4 or 5 is raped mercilessly?
We have no reply
What punishment should imply?
Judiciary must take strong note
Death to a person if he is caught
People kidnap, rape and murder
Some of the people are neighbors
Some are family members
Who do it with jealous mind there?
It has become minor crime
People do it all the times
Rape of minor girls is totally unacceptable
Nowadays, even aged women are under trouble
People, who are, well-known socially resort to
Even aged people are reported to with involvement
We are lowing head with shame
And feel guilty of all blames
Why should this happen?
And make the beautiful land into hell
Why do they feel unsecured?
Even at home and outside
Pic: – Victoria martene

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