It all
-for a weekend-
& how
We knew?
You took
The tea bowl
That I
To glue together
At your

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And not only drones,
This was a country,
For excellence known,
Life was not only,
A joke and a phone.
21st Century,
Enter a country,
That clones,
Bolshevik history,
With Socialist groans,
Birth of roped nation,
Rodeo of drones,
All come a riding,
Top of false domes.
Ashamed of my country
Ashamed of the ones,
That have cut us to pieces,
‘What a good job they’ve done! ‘
Goodbye to America,
As once it was known,
Now we can say,
‘We can never go home! ‘

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If you are suffering from the acknowledgement of it…
And can not free yourself from an assortment of beliefs,
There is nothing about truth you will accept.
Even if God answered your prayers…
You would still be in denial.
Preferring to align yourself with routine.
And not a deliverance with concrete meaning.
That would be too much reality!
Wouldn’t it?
You could not live without relying upon delusions.
Or an embellishment of your activities.
You’ve become accustomed to structure,
And dictation.
With a place to hide where you can go lie to yourself.
Concealed in neurotic freedoms.

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To rank and critique.
As if my ego,
Would find a boost…
By the use of your techniques.
You insisted that I needed this.
And even today I agree I do.
The exposure to such pettiness…
Has kept me feeling blessed,
That what I have to offer
Does not need to pass your tests!
You invited me,
To share my abilities.
And not feed from the offerings,
Of a constant flow of mindless BS!
That you claim is among your very best!
I am not flattered easily,
By insults!

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Begin descending to fret…
All opportunity to correct this,
Has been exhausted.
Everything you own,
Will seem valueless!
Unworthy to be shown.
But all is not lost!
There has to be ‘some’ decisions you made
Pleasing your heart…
That did not require a purchase from the start!
To impress.
With a lease, rental or mortgage to digest!
If you are happy within,
With a peace of mind you can display…
What else is more satisfying than that?
Many are holding onto impressions!
Possessions they can least afford.
Accompanied by confessions that bore.
Many are abandoning their happiness in ‘things’!
If you are happy within,
With a peace of mind you can display…
Know today you can say,
What you have is completely yours!
And foreclosure or repossession,
Is not coming your way!
Not for what took you long to pursue.
Nurturing this to have it grow like it grew…
For you,

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The storehouse of
All beauty dear.
And death
Can never touch
Here is love
And here is the time
To make life
All fine.
No virus
No disease can
Harm life.

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follows your mind.
Thinking leads you.
Do not give into
Be one with
your emotions.
Let not your
emotions rule you.

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our being set
apart by God,
and set apart
to God and for God.

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what is
in your life
right now,
will be over
and it will be
okay and fine.
Just be patient
and stay strong.
we are not alone.

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are strong,
and loved.
The pain
that you
may be
experiencing now
ends, be strong.
You experience
now the love of God.

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according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus
as in the Philippians 4: 19 we can read
Prayer journals are amazing tools
for tracing answered prayers,
but are not required to remember
where God has come through for us in our lives.
He is close to the brokenhearted,
and He hears our prayers!
Thank you for reading,
© Sylvia Frances Chan
All Rights Reserved
Sunday 9 August 2020

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