Marlena the bright one so charming and fair
With beautiful blue eyes and hazel brown hair.
The one from the country is now in her prime
And she knows how to party and have a good time
On saturday evenings she’s out with her mates
And at the discotheque they dance on till late.
Her split from her lover she does n’t regret
For he is one she can quite easily forget
His life it revolves around beer and football
And they did not have much in common at all.
Her best friend is Eddy one year older than she
And whilst they enjoy each others company
No physical attraction that to love might lead
And a lover right now is the last thing she need.
Marlena the lovely is young and carefree
And on sunday morning at the disco till three
She dance with her mates her night out she enjoy
And when you’re having fun doesn’t time seem to fly

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