But what matter most is you be happy and to it your laughter have a happy ring
For the happiest of happy people are the people who do their own thing.
The President sits in his office he has the top job in the Land
With such great power at his disposal the armed forces he command
He recall his happier moments when in the school choir he did sing
Back then he was younger and happier and back then he was doing his own thing.
On her throne her highness is sitting with the Monarch she shares pride of place
But she looks distinctly unhappy a smile seldom crosses her face
Before she married with her friends she played tennis and she was happy doing her own thing
But now all her spare time devoted to quarrelling with her husband the King.
The Bishop kneels in his cathedral his mind not entirely on prayer
He thinks of the woman he still loves and says to himself life’s unfair
It’s been twenty five years he remembers and such heartache to him that did bring
Since she left him though not for another but to go off and do her own thing.
You are seen as an important person and at your disposal have power
But you can recall happier moments when you used to sing in the shower
Known and admired by the masses yet to your sweet memories you cling
Of when you were younger and carefree and when you were doing your own thing.

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