Methinks a true fact the sea never knows, is
How horribly, hungrily and thirstily it roars!
Curious people swim, surf, play ridding on the waves
The huge waves bear them on quivering backs;
But sharks sometimes fear them terribly
And sometimes, under waves some are lost unfortunately;
Some colorful sailing boats for long ply and ply,
Lots of sea birds flapping big wings fly and fly,
The fishermen plying fishing boats catch fishes,
For food and money children pick sea weeds and shells;
Visitors enjoy all these pleasing, charming scenes
With their keen hearts, minds brains and eyes
And take part in some interesting activities
Like swimming, surfing and lying on sands to dry bodies;
Slowly the evening approaches with reddish western sky
The round sun begins to sink into the far deep sea,
Methinks a vast red coin the earth loses every this time
Which is never, never and never regained;
These are the matters of much curious to the visitors
As sometimes at boring hours peep in their heart,
For which they do come here from too far
As emotions deepen in immeasurable depth in their mind;
When no moon, all the people leave the fierce sea back
Then gradually night makes the white sands into black,
Whole night the sea check the screaming and roaring giants
That to harm mankind they cannot come out of it.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │ 31 May, 2018

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