Taking turns with my mind, finding and seeking times I can recall with pleasure to drown out the tears.
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Bullets of remorse hit me unendingly with leaden sorrow.
of cemetery’s.Pits of hell try to surround me in everything I do.Uselessly, I travel alone, walking away from evil andit’s horrendous storms.Deafening thunder clapping itself louder with each moment.Forgetting to fall into devil snares with prayers alwayson my lips and a hopeful spirit.
Storm clouds hovering over fantastic mountain formations,
touching coals of my mind.Stirring up embers of thought,turning them into blazes of poetryabout nature’s bounty.
Standing by pillars of stone and glass,
type of preparation was needed.Squares filled with concrete and beautifulglass, making thought turn blue with peace-ful solace.Envisioning the process as it fills my mindwith ideas, blending abstractly with othercognitive formulas.
Nature swells with pride, filling atmospheres with lively fascination, attributing selectable tones to perfect pitch inside.
Waiting impatiently for a thought to be spread around, fitting it progressively to energy’s of impact, surrounding it’s detectable melody with aromas of rose gardens.