to earthly goods,
the clutches which
hold the goods tight,
are themselves worries.
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To yourself you
worth, but inreality you areprecious.Insofar as youforsook Himwhose imageyou are, youhave taken onthe colors ofstrange images.But when you beginto breathe in theatmosphere whereinyou were created,if perchance youembrace discipline,you will quickly shake offand renounce thisfalse make-upwhich is only superficialand not even skin-deep.(Graphic: Milu Mon saved to K A F K A • memorablePinterest)
We marvel atthe
of interceptormissiles whichcan computein a flash thepoint of interceptionof another missileand be thereat the correctinstant to makecontact.Just think of thehuman brain,how wonderfullyit acts every moment
contemplation of itself
by God into a created subject.It is God living in Godand identifying a created lifewith his own life so thatthere is nothing left ofany significance but Godliving in God.God alone is left.
David cried out,
and exalted bethe GOD of my salvation’.David knew his Saviourwas coming one day,and together withall Old Testamentsaints, he lookedforward to that dayof redemption,and rejoiced inthe God of theirsalvation,whowas to come.
Are you flourishing
with God?If not, you betterdetermine yoursource of life.Is there a constantsource of living waterflowing into your heart?Are you reactingwell to the pruning?These may be thereasons that youare struggling.Allow humblyThe Holy Spirit to dothe necessary workin your life so thatyou can be joyful.
Now she who
indeed andwho has beenleft alone,has fixed herhope on Godand continuesin entreatiesand prayersnight and day.(Ref: 1 Timothy 5: 5)