For he talks of war and only war and he is brewing for trouble
And his bombers will reduce Baghdad to one big heap of rubble.
In his State of the Union address he talked of war with an angry facial expression
And the removal of Iraqi dictator Saddam from power with him
is an obsession
Wisdom comes with age to most apply but not to this Texan fellow
And just like the very dangerous bull be wary when he bellow
Some men in positions of power for to handle power not able
He and his right hand men only talk of war as they sit around the table
The table in the White House where decisions are made and where dreams of peace are torn asunder
For only death and tears and pain from the guns of war men thunder.
They tell the people of Iraq that they are doing them a big favour
But the majority of the Iraqi people do not see them as their saviour
From Saddam’s autocratic regime who they loathe as oppressive
But they fear the to be invaders more as more dangerous and aggressive.
The Chief of Staff in the White House on his war drum is beating
Perhaps he’s not been well of late and his brains are over-heating
For he can only talk of war and fear of terror he is spreading
And the fighter planes are set to go and the troops to war are heading.

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