A strong feeling of wear and tear,
Of Light, without shine,
Figurines of white porcelain dream,
Those, that no human hand can design,
Frigid, no warmth, no care,
But are everywhere.
Today, there is a sadness in the air,
A lagging feeling of, ‘I don’t care’
And a gray silence, invades the air,
No human feeling, Anywhere.
Yes, you guessed it!
Depression, sitting on a chair,
Dreams that have closed,
‘I care’, no longer there.
There, where,
I used to hold your hand,
There, where
my heart would surrender
And get lost in yours
Now, nothing but,
dying embers of the past,
Gray Ashes,
Not even Love lasts.
Oh Life,
A black and white film is our past,
Destiny casts, unwilling actors,
That obediently play their parts.