Above the old fields by the bog the swallows chirp and fly
And the larks is carolling in the clouds a small speck in the sky.
The man from Caherbarnagh has seen more than five decades of life
He is a Naturalized Aussie and he has an Aussie wife
His children and their children are Aussies with his family he will stay
Far south of Caherbarnagh where the robin sings today.
He has not lost his accent and I doubt he ever will
It came with him on the day he left the road by the old hill
His accent like a birth mark with him it will remain
Though he may never visit the old Country again.
The man from Caherbarnagh he does enjoy a beer
And stories of the old place from him we often hear
Still he is happy in this Country and happy with his lot
Though old faces from the old place by him are not forgot.
The man from Caherbarnagh two decades past his prime
And though far from an old man yet he wears the mark of time
The years catch up on all of us as the Seasons come and go
Still he feels happy to live where the brown Bass waters flow.

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