God and discipline
your body, the more
you will acquire the
work of the Holy Spirit.
The more you will
be enlightened
by God and thus
the greater
your knowledge be
of God’s real deeds.
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Um jedoch die Existenz
haben die Menschenden gleichen Statusund die gleichePosition wie jedeandere lebendeoder nichtlebende Materie.Die Implikationendieser Ansichtsind weitreichend.Es bedeutet,dass der physischeTod das Endeder individuellenExistenz ist.In english in a nutshellDo not denythe existence of thesoul.Denying the soul means that the physicalDeath is the end of the individualExistence.
We ponder on the
the eternal lifewe have in Christ,and the abundantlife that He hasgiven to allwho believe.May we blessthe Lord at alltimes and exaltthe God of oursalvation, for Heis our Rock as well,and He is and ourstrong Tower.He is our GoodShepherd and ourBlessed Hope.
‘Of Him
no images,He is unborn,He alone mustbe worshipped.’(Yajurveda, chapter 32, verse 3)
The identity of the individual
of historical, cultural,psychological andgenetic factors.When we lose our special,separate, culturaland religious identity,weare a step forwardto lose ourselves in God.It is then the joy of the unionwith God emerges in us.
Using a simple
you’ll learn howeven ten minutesa day can changeyour life into happiness.Learn how to setup your own sacredprayer space,discuss thecommon obstaclesto prayer, and seekpractical ways toovercome them.Read stories ofothers who areseeking to orientthemselves to Godthrough prayer.
‘You are what you believe in.
you believe you can become’From the spiritual classic of HinduismBhagavad Gita,inspirational-quotes, life, motivational, wisdomthoughts.
master your self-talk,
the more you
embrace just
how profoundly
significant you
are in the eyes
of your Creator.
You are becoming
healthy and whole.
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Let not your heart
that the graveis your escape;for against yourwill you areformed, againstyour will youare born,against yourwill you live,against yourwill you die.(Ref. to Ethics of theFathers 4: 22)
We are set apart
We are set apartfor His own glory.Our mottois Holiness.His life is to be seenin every part of ournew life in Him.
Our hidden poverties,
voids, inadequacies,failures, weaknesses,frustrations anddisappointmentsare not places thatGod avoids orpretends doesnot exist.
Sing to me
tone of Love,the miracle songsof connectionand relationships.
As I look deeper
sparkling eyesI see back tothe past andremember mysecret longingsof body and soul.I never revealedit to anyoneand now youappear before mejust as in a dream.
We live in a prison
of our ownconsciousness.Free ourselves from this prison.Let our circle of compassionbecome wide toall living creaturesto embracebeauty ofnaturein its entirety.