because even though
they witnessed the
conversion of
persons deep in
sin by the preaching
of St. John the
Forerunner of the Lord,
still they did not believe.
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Jesus also spoke
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so these dear believerspatterned their liveson the men who broughtthem the gospel,who were imitatingthe lovely Lord Jesus.Just as Christ sufferedon our account,for the joy that wasset before Him,so we are to sufferfor His sake forthe joy we find in Him.
The sons of Korah
that when oursoul is in deepdespair, we areto rememberthe Lord andremind ourselvesof His past goodness.They RememberedGod’s never-failinggoodness and beganto rejoice in thepromises of God.(Ref. Psalm 42: 1of the Holy bible)
White blood cells
part of fightingoff diseasesand infections.Lower whiteblood cell countis reported whenone forgivescompletely.These resultshighlightthe importanceof forgiveness,for you.Don’t allow yourmind and yourbody to gothrough anotherday feelingvengeful and angry.