All physical things are visible and non-physical things are invisible;
All physical things like Stars, Sun, Moon and planets are visible;
All non-physical things like Spirit, energy and wind are invisible!
When we think about Sun, Stars and all matters only, we realize Space;
When we think about how they function, we come to know of energy;
When we think about the beginning of them, we realize presence of Time;
When we think about the source of function of all, we realize about Spirit!
All visible things we know by perception and invisible things by
Conception through the means of relativity and logic of man’s mind by
Intellectual analysis made possible by association of ideas and the
Inference arrived at by researches in pursuit of truth of knowledge!
The Universal Spiritual energy is what we can call in one word as God
That activates all animate and inanimate things everywhere in Space
And is the source and the ultimate reality for all to realize at the
End of one’s function comes to a stop in the world and in Space sure!

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