some are disappearances
that happen now and then.
Look at any newspaper
on any given day
and you will find a mystery
tucked away somewhere there within.
Some mysteries are of murder
and other deeds most foul,
but some are just plain bizarre
which are never really explained
even to this day.
Why would garden hosepipes
want to burrow deep into the ground overnight?
Strange you may say
and I will certainly agree with that,
but it really happened and not just once.
There was a whole spate them
many years ago
and no one had a reasonable explanation
why it happened, only that it did.
Just another unsolved mystery
in our world filled with them,
another something
no one will ever be able to explain.
5 February 2008

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Things happen with no logical explanation
only that they do.
Sometimes we are driven
by some unseen hand
for a date with a mystery
we cannot explain or understand.
A hidden voice tells us
while we are driving along
to slow down, danger ahead.
We do as it tells us
and avoid an accident.
How many times during our life
have we had a date with a mystery
we can never explain or understand?
22 July 2008

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