O, love! O, you, virtuous dear!
Where are you? Being so far!
You cannot send me flower!
Even sweet odor via swift air. – – – – 4
O, love! O, dear! You are!
How far? Over there, where?
Being far I’m hated, I’m deprived,
I’m hurt hard, I’m wounded. – – – – – 8
Here people are seriously fighting
One another scolding, killing;
They are absolutely abused
Completely and foolishly lost. – – – – 12
My heart is breaking thousands
My soul is howling promiscuous
They’re frightening; self is moaning
Existence is crying, I am dying. – – – – 16

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Rewarding as can be,
The things that go
Beyond the fence
Of just what you can see.
To feel,
The Emotion
That Art brings,
To life’s sincerity,
A step beyond
Material bond
That chokes beauty
That’s free.
In all that’s great,
In Nature, Art
And Poetry,
A Love’s that’s deep
And always there
Ready to bloom,
Also to share,
A new world born,
Inside of you,
Fulfillment, joy
And freedom true.

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