But we need to
Go beyond
To achieve
Love and
Support us dear
We are not demon,
We are human beings
And we belong to
This earth.
True to say
Fragility and
System gaps are there,
True to say
We need health of all
And people-oriented nexus
We need crisis free nature.

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I am solo player and
Somehow I am getting lost.
Someone is here or there
Something is here or there
Somewhere you can discover me
Sometimes somewhat I missed, though.
But dear
Who am I!
Whole thing is whoever
Comes to me can know

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And bliss solidified.

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Or there.
No star
Nothing fair.
Head and tail,
I want not to
Listen to
Any tale.
Not good,
Cry not
Under the sky.
But try and
Try to fly.

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The whole pack.
True to
Life –
Oneness with
The truth.
Come on dear
To enjoy life.
All bliss
All eternal
Not though,

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I am a practicing poet.
But I admit,
I failed to
Make the truth prevailed.
But I light on
The lamp of time.
Anyone can come forward,
And with own words
And language utter
The voice of the hearts
And make the false emperor down.

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Yet, with all
Let me tell a few words.
That can make you
Stand ahead of all.

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With true feelings
To make hero.
RARe Stanza:
– – – – – – – – – –
6 Lines Poem ─
Syllables Meter: 1-1-1-1-4-4
Rhyme Scheme: aabbca; ababca; aaaaba.
RARe Stanza refers Right Angle Reza Stanza.
Geometric Theoretical Explanation of ‘RARe Stanza’
The 1st 4 (1-1-1-1) lines stand on the last 2 (4-4) lines,
At the joining point, line No.4 and 5 there the 90º angle is generated;
The 90º angle is known as Right Angle in Geometry.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │24 April,2018

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