we ourselves don’t read whole of the book,
even if we try to read the chapters,
we don’t understand it completely.
The chapter I read during my infancy,
was a chapter written by God.
I don’t remember it but I can guess,
my needs were limited and so was my thinking,
I can guess the heroine of that chapter,
was none else except my mother.
Socialization wrote many more chapters,
from an individual confined in instincts,
I started growing in a web of society,
and I found many stars and me a moon for all,
I saw my mother orbiting round a sun,
and me orbiting round the earth,
She was no more a moon
as she gave her face to me,
I became jealous of the sun,
being frustrated I started liking loneliness,
but then I opened third chapter of life.
I came to know the importance of sun,
his fatigues to keep us alive,
his sacrifices and hardships,
and I started loving my sun,
and the sun started developing,
my personality and my character,
he taught me lessons of love and friendship,
respecting the beliefs of others,
international peace and coexistence,
bitter truths about creation by nature,
who is God, where is He,
what is reality and what’s virtual,
a poet is born but it was my father,
who made me a thinking poet.
And next chapter of the book,
was most romantic and exciting,
she came in my life,
and became my wife,
for many years I went on reading,
this lovely chapter of the book,
the longest chapter having many pages,
the chapter of flowers that sprung from her,
the fruits and seeds and growth of new plants,
and I know the only chapter left in the book,
is painful and I don’t want to read it,
but I will have to read it one day,
what’s written in that chapter,
no body can describe as he proceeds,
to a destination completely unknown.
The last learning of man and the last experience,
he reads and caries the book with him.
But when on of my nieces posted on a website,
‘Everybody has a chapter they don’t read out loud! ‘
I just smiled and let me confess,
yes, in the book there is a hidden chapter,
I cannot read it loudly.
It’s written by me,
it has my personal views about,
God and religion,
history of humans,
and bitter truths,
I know I can never gather courage,
to read this chapter loudly!

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