Its affects are disturbing…
As it processes an effectiveness.
Traumatized will be those,
Holding onto scattering beliefs.
A race to deny its presence among us…
Will greet those with defeat.
Since its dominance is complete!
We have embarked upon the horizon
Of higher consciousness.
Nothing will be left as a treasure to collect.
Nothing that has been set in stone…
Will the dawning of this consciousness,
Allow or condone.
Some will feel alone.
Without empathy to comfort.
We are living in the days of amazing changes.
And those with mindsets aged in greed and disrespect,
Think they will profit by their deceiving misdeeds.
But they will be the ones…
Eventually down on their knees.
Pleading to be freed of their mental disease.
We have embarked upon the horizon
Of higher consciousness.
And those able to ‘see’…
Have already begun this magnificent,
And glorious internal uplifting journey!
To those who sustained their faith.
And maintained their patience.

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