We left Latvia forever never ever to return
I knew heartache, I knew sorrow, I saw fire and Berlin burn.
We arrived in Melbourne city and I’ve lived here for many a day
Many thousands of miles from Latvia my old homeland far away
Soviets came and took my Country and robbed it of democracy
And though Latvia is now a free Country I now live where I wish to be.
I’ve got good friends here in Melbourne and to them I can relate
And my best friend Babs she come from Ireland and we get along just great
Babs came here to live in Melbourne many, many moons ago
From Connacht in the west of Ireland and the county of Mayo.
We go to the Irish pubs together and I love the atmosphere
Rebel songs and Irish music mixes well with Aussie beer
Music always makes me happy, music lifts the spirits high
I love music dancing music, music spreads the gift of joy.
I was once a misplaced person and I have known the pangs of tears
But I have never felt so happy the happiest I’ve been for years
Still I sometimes think of Latvia and it cause me twinge of pain
I brought bits of Latvia with me memories of home remain.
I have reached the happy gateway walked up through the paths of strife
And one day I will write the story write that story of my life,
Tell about my homeland Latvia before the invader came
And tell the world about the Soviets those who know no guilt or shame.

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