Both don’t bother about the people, but only their diktats to them;
Both ruthlessly kill the people, if they don’t obey to commands!
People are caught between dictators and terrorists like the ants
Caught between fire and river and their dilemma is which one to
Choose to escape from immediate danger and destruction of life
And properties in States like Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan…!
In Myanmar Burma, Muslim race belonging to Rohingya is driven out
And about seven lakhs of the people have taken refuge in Bangladesh;
The people escaping from Syria have taken refuge in Turkey, Lebanon
And Europe and terrorists taking advantage of this enter all places!
Rebellions in many States fight for democracy against dictatorship;
But the terrorists as intruders plunge in the spoil to create a State
Of their own between Syria and Iraq taking advantage of the turbulent
Situation threatening the world peace as a whole making world a hell!
Thousand of people have died in the prolonged wars in Syria for the
Past seven years with intensive war going on for the past 2 years sans
Stop killing innocent people with women and children stranded sans
Any help from any quarters and redemption from this hellish bombasts!
All these fights and struggles of people are for freedom, democracy,
Liberty and rights to live a honourable life with education, work
And better life than before free from military rulers in the guise of
Saviours of them and also as dictators in the garb of democratic rulers!

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