If you choose war you should surely be prepared to die;
If you choose love you should really be prepared to sacrifice.
But both in world wars and love there is nothing fair or foul!
Historical horrors of world wars all should realize by feeling!
That will work as checkmate to stop meaningless world wars.
Divine love of world literature all should ever cherish in heart!
That will develop humanness elevating towards divine nature.
But war for the cause of love will make war meaningful here!
Boldness, bravery and courage are needed both for war and love.
Boldness is there as long as the strength is there as bank deposit!
Bravery is as a soldier taking risk to cross enemy border a little bit!
Courage is born of moral and spiritual reason ready for any event!
According to the nature of mission one should take decision to win!
Extremism, violence and terrorism are proxy wars by war lords;
Failing in main wars they go for proxy wars to settle scores!
Direct and indirect wars are due to hatred, suspicion and fear.
Such wars are like lesbianism, homosexualism and an aberration
And worse than seduction, sexism and pornography of any kind!
Failing in all walks of life justice has declined in war and love too!
Sex and terrorism spoil and destroy world society to shambles now;
Sexism seems to be better than extremism, violence and terrorism;
But sex crimes, corruption, smuggling are extension of terrorism.
So, lack of love from the childhood leads many to extremist paths!
Fanaticism and modernism lacking morality or culture cause crimes;
Lack of modern education and jobs lead many to war paths here;
Also, bad politics and corruption everywhere breed naxalism now;
Enemy nations make use of such love lost, hard core elements in all
Against better nations to create world turmoil, a cause of eternal wars!

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