The mind is
like the
Flame of a lamp
in a windless place’.
Bhagavat Gita
(Graphic: Cathi Nilchez saved to candle light fire. Pinterest)
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Rather than
and be counted,many might wellprefer the tranquilityand contentmentof the world of illusion,the cosy world inwhich reality is asthe puppet masterssay it is and individualsprefer not to question.
A mystic speaks of
The seeker shouldbe prepared to be contentto be lost in this nowhereness.Then he shall find himselfwithout knowing it.
The purpose of the symbol
but to open unknown depthsof awareness enablingthe disciple to reach his own center,his own ontological rootsin a mystery of beingthat transcends his individual ego.
Thank You for
being used inthe world as awitness of theLord Jesus Christand to do the workthat You have alreadyprepared for me to do.Root out all that is of Me,and replace it withthe sweet natureof the Lord Jesus,as I carry out the workthat You have preparedfor me to do,in the powerof the Holy Spirit.
In the starless
journey, the saintstell us to expectsomething calledthe ‘Dark Night.’After months of ariditySt. Elizabeth of theTrinity would findherself enteringa crushing darkness,the place of a soulpeering into herown nothingnessand encounteringonly a gaping holewhere God should be.
Godis the fountain of mercy.
as the very incarnationof beauty enrapturingall of creation, animateand inanimate.He is the bee that dwellsin the lotus of my heart.(After reading Aranyakanda,the Hindu Sacred Scripture) .
the mind is
like the flame
of a lamp
in a windless place.
Bhagavat Gita
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