the strength to face it.
God’s supply ismore
than sufficient for you.
God is the great supplier.
He knows your needs.
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The call to worship
angelic host andthe various heavenlybeings, for all werecreated by the Almighty.Through His creativehand and magnificentwisdom, all begantheir existence.So we shall PraiseThe Almightyalways and at all times.
Do such times
and experiencesshow that theworld is absurdand that thereis no God?In the novel, Plagueof Albert Camus,in the second major part,Camus describesthe Church’sorganized responseto the advancingplague: a specialweek of prayerthat would concludewith a sermon byFather Paneloux,a Jesuit priestof some notoriety.
in me suchburning affection.
The word
has great meaning.In Self-help groups,the word forgivenesswas used all aroundfor years,but little hasbeen made ofwhat the sciencebehind forgivenesscan teach usabout our own lives.Forgivenessis a God-givengift which Godwants us to practice.
There is a self-made
enclosed by Reason.The rational universeis a very different notion.Our meaningfulengagement withthe things of theworld enjoins usto respectfully andresponsibly disclosetheir values in reality.
Which story is able
insights from otherstories in a way thatmakes sense?Which story ismost livable?Which storycorresponds withour observations,experiences,and history?
the strength to face it.
God’s supply ismore
than sufficient for you.
God is the great supplier.
He knows your needs.
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Our youth is
when we reverenceour God in thebeauty of holiness.The Lord executeswonderful acts ofrighteousness andjustice for allthat are oppressed.In His grace,He has revealedHis ways to thechildren of men.
JESUS is the Rock
and whosoever shallfall on this Stoneshall be brokenbefore the Lordand that on whomsoeverthat Stone shall fall,will be ground to powder.(i.e. the wicked ones shall be ground to powder in the satanic realm and those who believe In God’s saving work will be accepted by grace through faith) .
Enjoy your time now.
only now and today.Tomorrow, you cannotbring back yesterdayand later comes earlierthan you ever expected.
God, Lord of the Universe
in the coming New Year.Give me innocence.But make me understandthe evil ways of the evil minded.Help me to change this worldas much as I candoing good and caringfor those who are deprived of.Make me aware of my responsibilitiesBe with me always.Accompany me in the darkness.Send me angels to go with meon my paths here on…
We are called by the voice of God,
to pierce through the irrelevanceof our life, while acceptingand admitting that our lifeis totally irrelevant, without God.Life becomes meaningfulonly when we find relevanceIn Him, the creator who sustainsand protects us in all our situations.
I see the flames
I see the clingingsound of the bellsof adoration inthe holy templesand churches.I see peopleprostratingbefore the presenceof the Gods in whomthey place their faith.Corona is spreadingmy God and Lord.Come to help us.