To accept your presence.
The day you left,
To explore promises made by others…
You told me then,
My way of life and ‘you’ did not blend.
You even mentioned my lack of things.
And what I did not have…
That others you sought,
To you could bring!
With a stinging you intended.
You even stated,
How you had hated the sacrifice.
And if I loved you like I did…
I was reluctant to pay the price.
Then I witnessed you gather the support of friends.
Who convinced you our relalationship should end.
And that was done!
With my heartache to begin.
Abandoned you are now.
Without one friend.
Abandoned are your wishes,
That our relationship ended.
And you believe I would leave you out in the cold.
With a sweeping of your BS,
Away from my doorstep.
And yet,
I must confess…
How gald I am to see you.
And yes,
The love you left…
I have kept!
Hoping you would come to realize,
I haver never stopped loving you.

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