it is not to insult the person who gave it,
more to injure myself.
I can cope with most things
that are given to me except compliments.
Sound Strange?
When I was growing up many years ago,
I was belittled by family and friends alike.
They made me feel like a misfit,
so a misfit I became.
I endured insults about me
in every way shape and form.
Compliments were never given
and became a stranger to me.
Now that I am older,
I do not stand easy
when compliments are given
and I have to mock myself
and make a parody out of me.
I grew up feeling useless in everything I did.
They did not realise what they were doing
and hurting that they caused. I
t was not jokes they threw at me,
but hurting insults that made me feel insecure.
Now when compliments come
I cannot accept them readily.
I cannot accept that anyone
would want to compliment me,
so I self mock myself you see.
10 November 2008

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