Has it surfaced all of sudden?
I had no slightest idea even
You fuelled my passion
You had agreed with confession
You could not do it with full honesty
There was no need to feel pity
I shall regret the decision
My earliar decision not taken withprecision
How inaccurate was I in catching the pulse?
How has it resulted in curse?
I don’t want to live with remorse
There can’t be any compulsion or force
I may decide my own course
It will be altogether different ofcourse
It will be painful still not bad
It has made me all the time very sad
It kept me in state of depression
It was never a lovely and beautiful session
I am afraid of hot sun
I shall not prefer to run
It waspainful but not a fun
I felt it was at point of gun
I am slamming the door
You have acted fool and very poor
I wouldn’t want you round the corner
It will be fine if you depart sooner
What is it to me if there is bright sunshune?
What if there is good dazzling in rain?
I have had enough of anguish and pain
You did enough damage for little gain
I am not in position to think slight
It is no good to argue or fight
I shall take you off from my mind
I should have another match to find
I think of peaceul end
Sinc you were unable to mend
I tried all my best to sustain the blow
I can’t live with uncertainty and grow
The river flow never appealed
It has hung in balance and fate is sealed
It was never a worth try
I feel terribly shy
I shall do evrything possible to erase the memory
I am upset and heart is filled with sorry
It has added so much tension and worry
Still I shall look forward and burden not to carry

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