And You cannot without I.

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You sang, I sang
We were a single melody.
We shared sweet smiles,
You were the lips, I was the smile.
In times of tears
You held me close to you
You wiped my tears
I held your hand.
You were the flesh, I was the skin.
The golden sun smiled,
you were the gold, I was the light.
You hugged me, I caressed you.
You were the fingers, I was the body.
When the songbird sang in our hearts
You were one wing, I was the other wing.
We were two candles but one flame.
I was the sparkling sea,
You were the ripples.
You sing, I sing
We are a single melody

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things are
the way they are…
no, we didnt invade
Iraq and Afghanistan,
but we voted for
the clowns that ordained
these actions…
or, even worse,
didnt vote at all.
no, we didnt cause
the big oil spill…
yet by our reckless
consuming lifestyles,
driving our big SUV’s
going nowhere…
maybe we did!
no, we didnt cause
the disaster in Haiti,
the hurricane in New Orleans,
the Japanese nuclear disaster…
but what have we done
to help fix these problems?
no, we didnt tell the banks
to foreclose on all these houses…
but we stood by doing nothing
while our government bailed
them out… and their CEO’s
drew their bonuses….
no, we didnt tell them
to cut social security
and medicare, to cut
educational aid…
but we sit and watch
while the elite do their thing,
and pay no taxes…
you and i,
standing by, doing nothing,
saying nothing, not getting
you and i
are the reason
things are
the way they are…

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That Love is our obsession,
I know,
I love you so,
My life is your possession.

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Such heart throbbing poetry,
But it was not meant to be,
Too early for you,
Too late for me
Time is the great divider,
Even for those fancy free.

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And breath and hug the Sea,
We hear Its sound,
Its movement, found,
Night after night,
Hypnotic mystery.
Oh, to be Free,
And sail the night,
In our ship,
‘The Fantasy’,
And there remain,
Never return,
To cruel reality

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