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i am the embodiment of your daily strifethe lap of your deeply struggling lifethe tender arms of your love baggagethe heat of your shivers, your coldest luggagethe valve of your greatest sighthe atmospherewhen you are nighto be comforted againtheni will hum my happiest poem for youespecially for you in the heaviest rainsin the midst of…
steeds kruipende mistige schimmen naar boven
om eindelijk de zegeningen van de aarde te zijn….©SYLVIA FRANCES CHANA.D.31 May 2019The Netherlands time 12.02 hrs P.M.
My Greatest Thanks to Mr. Kumarmani Mahakul, because he created this Tribute for me, and as my Token of Highest Respect and Appreciation is to republished his Tribute here in Sequels.
Oh, really this is a great pleasureTo read the poems of Sylvia Frances Chan,The Dutch Poetess of brilliance and humanity,The World Traveller of time and dignity,The certified evangelist of tenderness,She has owned hearts of billions,Across the globe she has travelled,Her poem on Wildlife of Nepal is motivational,Still she remembers her Daddy giving tribute,Every poem written…
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PARIS, France, West-Europe
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