Inviting, challenging, defeating
A tight rope walk
Impish, invincible
Stifling, benumbing, terminating
A departure to anonymity

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Full of some trash,
In dark, no light.
RARe Stanza:
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
6 Lines Poem ─
Syllables Meter: 1-1-1-1-4-4
Rhyme Scheme: aabbca; ababca; aaaaba.
RARe Stanza refers Right Angle Reza Stanza.
Geometric Theoretical Explanation of ‘RARe Stanza’
The 1st 4 (1-1-1-1) lines stand on the last 2 (4-4) lines,
At the joining point, line No. 4 and 5 there the 90º angle is generated;
The 90º angle is known as Right Angle in Geometry.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │ 15 June, 2018

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For earning good,
Belief and truth.
RARe Stanza:
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
6 Lines Poem ─
Syllables Meter: 1-1-1-1-4-4
Rhyme Scheme: aabbca; ababca; aaaaba.
RARe Stanza refers Right Angle Reza Stanza.
Geometric Theoretical Explanation of ‘RARe Stanza’
The 1st 4 (1-1-1-1) lines stand on the last 2 (4-4) lines,
At the joining point, line No. 4 and 5 there the 90º angle is generated;
The 90º angle is known as Right Angle in Geometry.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │ 11 July, 2018

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Around day and
Nigh doing right.

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Life and color
Everyone does have
Up to live,
No life
No color
In the earth
Life and color
Be together,
Super color
Super life,
Normal color
Normal life,
Inferior color
Inferior life,
So, as color
As life.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 05/11/2017

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And so Owner of it;
And so Owner of it;
And so Owner of it;
And so Owner of it;
And so Owner of it;
Experimenting my brain cells
I find out these great thuths
In which my existence cannot but believe
I can never resist it,
And so it does do
According to those I believe.

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is mixed bag
with pains, sorrow,
betrayals linked into
empathy, sympathy, love
and emotions with truth
and falsehood eventually
leading at end where
redemption enjoying
peace and
serenity at

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Who can lift your veil?
And then,
There we are,
Gazing at the Stars
Wasting Time
Putting together ideals
And Life’s puzzles,
With words, feelings
And dreams that reel,
As if with That,
It might be possible
To make Happiness stream.
For all of us,
Things are what they are,
And not what they seem
Nor what we think
They should be,
We only imagine
Felt impressions,
Like in a poet’s dream.

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It begins!
And is over so soon
And we, waste
Precious time,
Playing, the Loon,
Every one else
Of our troubles,
And Lunatically
At the lonely Moon.

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If you let it be so
If it is you, yourself
You only know,
If you close the spigot
And don’t let Love flow.

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Like the frames of a bad film,
Out of the control of the director,
Subject to all kinds of whim.
Us, We,
What do we do in the time we have?
Fly butterflies over flowers
That we think won’t die?
Collect dreams that stream,
Like melancholic clouds in the sky?
Oh Love,
Where do we hide
From Life’s uncertain tide?
Oh Love,
How will you taunt?
The simple lives you haunt,
Don’t leave us to one side.
The Light,
Plays tricky games,
The objectives slip and slide,
Our hands tied,
And some miserable politician
Will decide.
Does not exist,
We just get flashes, impressions,
Illusions, all is illusion,
Our frail lives are but a mist.
Oh Love,
Take our hand,
Guide us to your promised land,
We are so lost,
So alone….

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Pessimism is with me today
And Life seems
To be very far away.
In Life,
There are moments
Of great separation,
Moment that tear you apart,
Moments of total subjugation,
When the spirit fails
And the future stales
And the heart, just falls apart
As Life stands still, here
Never again to fully depart,
And you crawl thru Time,
Knowing there won’t ever be
The light, to set it right.
I sit here,
In the density of my solitude,
That is intense and asphyxiating,
Remembering how it was,
How fulfilling and extravagant,
Love can be!
And now, after so many years,
Still remembering,
How painful parting is
And will always be,
As the somber notes of Life,
Accompany me.

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Transit into depression,
Having lived it all,
Trying to avoid transgressions from
Falling into narrow mental halls.
An adventure,
Out of our control,
The comings, the goings
Where did I go wrong!
The days still sweet in poetry,
Though many have passed
In and with melancholy,
The memories, hard to take,
Solitude is life’s most
Tremendous and cruel fake.
But love still shines,
In a destitute, fallen star
Whose light comes
From some deep mysterious
Form of poetic paradise,
Called hope
That softly touches
The lonely heart
And charitably keeps it
From falling apart.

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Is a long-short story
With a bad ending,
Depending, on what you do
Who you meet,
Who you are,
Some have it better than others
But life is out of our control
No matter, who you are
For there are governments
Made up of the most,
Dishonest lying people,
Rather, they Are crooks
That manipulate countries and lives,
As if they were pieces of meat
Carved up by their bloody knives.
So, where is justice, liberty,
Equal opportunity?
In most countries, the smoke of a pipe
And here where it does exist
More than in any other place
They’re trying to destroy it
With a Sickle and a Fist.
Then suddenly, one fatal day
While walking down the street,
C’est fini, it’s the end,
Of the road, Good Bye,
Never even knew you were there
Don’t sigh!
So what?
Time flies,
Nothing becomes nothing,
So why even try?
To live unharmoniously,
In a problematic world
With all the meanness
And human demolishment
Around, at your side
All the fights
All the lies,
All the injustices
That people spike
Better curl into a corner
Like a wise, sly cat,
Not move or complain,
Not even pronounce,
Your name,
For all is in vain,
And that’s, that.

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But gradually weakens and withers
And opens the door to death
Dreadful and unpredictable
At once disconnecting and conjoining
And opens the door to life

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Hours, days, years; then
This earth I leave.
RARe Stanza:
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
6 Lines Poem ─
Syllables Meter: 1-1-1-1-4-4
Rhyme Scheme: aabbca; ababca; aaaaba.
RARe Stanza refers Right Angle Reza Stanza.
Geometric Theoretical Explanation of ‘RARe Stanza’
The 1st 4 (1-1-1-1)lines stand on the last 2 (4-4)lines,
At the joining point, line No.4 and 5 there the 90º angle is generated;
The 90º angle is known as Right Angle in Geometry.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │ 2 July,2018

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Spent everywhere
For the next life.
RARe Stanza:
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
6 Lines Poem ─
Syllables Meter: 1-1-1-1-4-4
Rhyme Scheme: aabbca; ababca; aaaaba.
RARe Stanza refers Right Angle Reza Stanza.
Geometric Theoretical Explanation of ‘RARe Stanza’
The 1st 4 (1-1-1-1) lines stand on the last 2 (4-4) lines,
At the joining point, line No. 4 and 5 there the 90º angle is generated;
The 90º angle is known as Right Angle in Geometry.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │ 8 November, 2018

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Or a field for battle
Ali, the son of Abu Talib, says
It’s a going on journey though
People may not feel it
Like the way they do not know
Anything what happens around them
When they are in deep sleep.

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Sucked up all the elements of light
In the abyss
A crone lies in the dark, pitch
Mystery of all the mysteries
No mind over there ever reached
Mother of all curiosities
Lower of the lowest
Sad of the saddest wave
Brighter than the brightest
No heart over there ever reached
In the zenith
A beautiful fairy resides
Wonder and surprises
Higher than the highest
Joy and delight
I know both of them
Joy and sorrow
I am your life
I go through
Higher than the high and lower than the low.
river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river river

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from a faucet…
each drop,
one lifetime,
falling forever slow…
then gone!

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Here with me
And see
I am enjoying.
A part of life
Here with vibe
And I see
You growing.
New line,
All with here
Dynamic and
Full magic.

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Very much
In so many ways
I want to write
On life
On love
On light.
Light, love
All there
In life
I found.
I found
Exactly what
I think
I imagine
I predict.
Let me
Match life
With blue
In me
In you.
Enough is enough
And it is all
An experience
An information.
Let me say
I have the ability to
Go through the fire
Now and then
With full control
Of the cosmos.

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I feel
And new.
And normal.
No holding
No dragging.
And clear
All life.

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Silly to think
About time.
Burning fire.
Not to think
About it – silly.
This life – time
We are to think
And think only.
Through thinking only
We can get ideas,
And through ideas
We can change this world.
To think all about
Is silly and here
Life is ridiculous.
Life is extremely significant,
Use life, it is very important
To solve so many things
It is all urgent.

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On earth
In sea
In sky
With life
Let me fly.
All water
The air
The earth
The sky
Let me not say
I am water
I am alive
With eyes
With mouth
With hands
And legs.
I am strong
And I walk
I run
I swim
With colours.
No matter
Hot or cold
But all logged
With watermark.
I am water
Water skis
Full of waves.
I am sure
No one is here
To measure
But life is
Go on enjoying men.

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But life
An art
And can’t be
Let us check out
Life with
New ideas.
With our own
Artistic abilities
We are to display
At our cost.

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And roses.
Never fade
But shine
And always

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In the sky,
Let it go by.
Love thy,
Nothing to shy
Green boy
Only clay.

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And life…
Is the nectar sweet.
Is what’s inside of me.
To live as given.
Is no mocking bird.
And life…
Can be just a word.
But life…
Is what’s inside of me!
Not here to prophecize it.
Or criticize or try.
Nor do I push aside…
The reason why,
Some live denying.
Is my meaning.
And life…
Is the nectar sweet.
Is what’s inside of me.
And I’m gonna live my life…
As no mocking bird.
And life…
Can be just a word.
But life…
Is what’s inside of me!
And I believe my life…
Is my precious gem.
Is what’s inside of me,
Within every minute.
And life…
Is what it’s gonna be.
To live as it’s given!
And life…
Is what it’s gonna be.
To live as it’s given!
And my life…
Is what God gave to me!
Not here to prophecize it.
Or criticize or try.
Nor do I push aside…
The reason why,
Some live denying.
My life…
Is what it means to me!

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Truly each goal;
No much time, quick.
RARe Stanza:
– – – – – – – – – –
6 Lines Poem ─
Syllables Meter: 1-1-1-1-4-4
Rhyme Scheme: aabbca; ababca; aaaaba.
RARe Stanza refers Right Angle Reza Stanza.
Geometric Theoretical Explanation of ‘RARe Stanza’
The 1st 4 (1-1-1-1) lines stand on the last 2 (4-4) lines,
At the joining point, line No.4 and 5 there the 90º angle is generated;
The 90º angle is known as Right Angle in Geometry.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │27 May,2018

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Awakened, thus
Fifty on leave.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza| 9 June, 2018

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You send all these
You ease all tough.

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Welcome, my friend, to the world
Of sorrow
Strife is your way and life
Your school.
You’ll find two teachers
Both pain and love.
Pain will teach you forbearance
And love, selflessness
With the sweat of your face,
Must you live.
With sorrow must you
Pass your life
You will find no eternal life
Nor will your short life
Death is a bitter necessity
Dust thou art and to dust
Will thou return?
Strife is short and will last
Only as long as you live
But another life
You will have
The choice to live that in pain
Or eternal happiness
Is yours to make.
A sincere well-wisher

P.S. Towards the end, my friend,
You will realize that
The spelling of life is “S-T-R-I-F-E”
A combination of struggle
And life

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