Meeting the Governor and the President
As for prevailing anarchy,
But can it re-think,
What has it done,
A reign of terror was writ large
People unable to speak, unable to write,
The freedom of speech, freedom of expression
Lay it censured,
Everything cut and censured,
And did they say, the communist bosses,
The party bosses as super men and super minds
That was correct
And all else false
Party cadres going berserk,
Went on the rampage,
The things don and carried out
In camaraderie,
Communistic bonhomie,
The cadres regimented
And levy-giving
As dedication and devotion
Living together, dreaming together,
Sleeping together, eating together,
Form communes,
Issuing a communiqué
And going
With the just carry bags
Just like ideologues and think-tanks
The Leninists, Stalinists and Maoists,
On a lecture our,
Holding conferences and meetings,
Making the delegates attend,
Listen to
As for a brainwash
Exciting and provoking through
Fiery tongues and speeches,
Using inflammable petroleum,
Making the factories lock,
Promoting unionism,
Doing the ckhakka jam,
Closures and shut-downs
Colouring it all, reddening it all,
Seeing colour in all,
Canning through,
Giving areas to are commanders,
The sepoys of communism,
Lathi-wielding and moustache-twirling,
The gym fellows
The Local committee, the Zonal committee
And the District Committee secys. And members
Taking purview and reading of the areas
Under control,
The detectives writ large,
Taking out and collecting
To supply and pass on the data
To them
As for to be forwarded higher
As they follow a tactic of their own,
Try their utmost best to oblige the people
After confiscating the lands of others
And distributing among the poor,
Seeking forced subscription and donations
And they can manage o be present
During one’s birth and death
To extend a hand just to keep obliged
And their foes none but the rightists,
Democrats and republicans,
Neutral and impartial fellows
The butt of their targets,
Ready to slap, abuse and threat
If say against them,
Such is Red terror
Emanating from the Red bastion
And if you have come, through the union
And the secretary,
Below the quality fellows as your leaders and bosses
As to be kept as rubber stamps,
But the higher-ups may question,
May not sign up blindly
Whatever say they,
I mean, the leadership
And they try to communize it all,
Mind, heart and soul,
With divide and rule policy,
Dividing one brother from another,
The wife from the husband,
Making the capitalist’s daughter fall in love
With the poor comrade’s son
Putting Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao in it all,
In history, political science, language and literature,
Thought and philosophy,
Dividing society in between
The haves and the have-nots,
The rich and the poor,
Handing power to the proletariat
Fire power, muscle power and man power,
The talk of the CPI(M) ,
Lead to Delhi,
Form a man-to-man chain,
Capture the areas,
Censure the press,
People’s rights,
Freedom of speech and expression
With the clerks as the harbingers of communism,
Keeping power under,
Snatching and seizing,
Wresting from,
Teachers too in politics,
Holding political posts of power,
The peons too becoming knowledgeable.

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