in search for the pillars of wisdom
near the gates of Hercules.
I sailed through calm waters
and storm laden seas
to find the books of knowledge
near the cradle of the world.
I’ve had many adventures
and some near tragedies
with broken sails and rudders,
nearly floundered on rocks many times,
but my steadfast determination
to find the goal I sought
would lead to calm waters,
a rest bite for my soul
before my quest began again.
Dangers I face multiplied
as the years foraged on
in my search for the pillars of wisdom
on some far flung distant shore.
Many races I encountered
as the years multiplied in tens,
but my quest would never end
until I found the pillars of wisdom
near the gates of Hercules.
Times grew not my enemy
but an invisible friend
as my hair grew white
and my beard grew long,
yet my quest grew ever strong
to seek the pillars of wisdom
and unlock life’s mysteries.
How many miles I travelled
I fear I do not know.
All I can hope for is I find the answers
before my body disappears into dust
and my quest comes to an end.
Always hoping that the pillars of wisdom
near the gates of Hercules
will never elude me
before my last breath appears.
30 November 2013

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