as it might happen to us one day.
I knew a fellow once
who had a saying that entered
into every conversation that he made.
He would say quite loudly,
well, stripe me pink.
One day he woke up
and found he was striped pink
but the joker didn’t stop there,
he gave him green and purple spots as well.
He went to his doctor
who was quite mystified
with having a man come into his surgery
with pink stripes and green and purple spots.
He asked what he had been eating,
nothing unusual the fellow replied.
The doctor frowned
feeling there was nothing he could do
told him to go home and rest until it wore off.
The days passed and a month went by
but the stripes and spots remained.
Off he trotted back to see the doctor again
who shook his head saying
there was nothing he could do
as is looks like the stripes and the dots are permanent.
The only suggest I can make
is that you get clothes the very same colour
then no one will ever know
which is the clothes and which is you.
So the next time you utter something ridiculous
be careful what you are saying
as you might end up wearing it
until your dying day.
1 October 2009

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